You can use it to keep your sanity -- or to pull a stunt on someone by changing their homepage and preventing them from changing
it back. I take no responsibility for the latter option if they get really mad at you.
You'll need to edit your Registry for this tip.
Changes to the Registry are permanent. Back it up or you'll be outta luck if something goes wrong.
Navigate to this string:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel
If the keys for Internet Explorer and Control Panel are not present, add them manually.
Right-click the Microsoft key folder, click New, and choose Key.
Name it Internet Explorer.
Right-click the Internet Explorer key folder, click New, and choose Key.
Name it Control Panel.
Right-click the Control Panel key folder and choose "new DWORD value." Rename the value "Homepage."
Right-click the Homepage value, choose Modify, and change the value from "0" to "1."
Now go into your Internet Explorer options. Your homepage is locked and unmodifiable!