1. Start a new 400x 80 document.
2. Filter-Render-Clouds
3. Filter-Brush Strokes-Angled Strokes with default settings.
4. Change the Hue/Saturation to whatever you desire, I used a light orange color.
5. You may not know how to do this part but if you do: Make a new layer and then fill it with the pattern that you use
for scanlines. Set the opacity of the lines to around 10%.
6. Add a picture of your choice, I used Yumil from Ogre Battle 64.
7. Change His hue/saturation to match with the background.
8. Set the blending mode of that layer to overlay.
9. Duplicate the layer and then set that blending mode to softer light.
10. Duplicate that layer and set the blending mode to hard light.
11. Duplicate that layer and set the blending mode to lighten.
12. Create a new layer, and then select the rectangular marquee tool.
13. Make a strip across the signature, whatever size you want. I made it smaller so that I could have small text inside
14. Go to fill and set it to 20%.
15. Right click on the strip layer, and go to blending options. Go down to the one labeled stroke. Make the color black
and the size 1 px. Then click ok.
16. Go over to the right side of the signature, and inside of the strip write in whatever etxt you want. I used the pixel
font of 04b_09. Add a stroke if you want, or play around with some more blending options.
17. Once your all done, go to layer-merge visible. If you want the color to stand out a little bit more duplicate the
merged layer and set the duplicated layers mode to hard light.
18. Once your finished with any last minute changes, go to edit-stroke, click the circle that says inside and then pick
a stroke color that you want and your done!